1_ Architecture can use biological systems to help rebuild and maintain a healthy ecology in extreme environments.
3_ Extreme environments are areas that are severely affected by chronic natural disasters or drastic climate change. The ecology of these areas weakens through the constant attack from the situation leading to a hasty rebuilding process making the built environment more vulnerable. Implementing a regularized system based on working existing biological systems can help these areas deal with their situation in a better more planned out way.
9_ With the ongoing changes in extreme environments and the need for an adaptive yet rigid system, biological systems are a good precedent to examine. Biological systems each come with a sense of structure, surface and volume, but each system also has its own strengths and weaknesses. Exploring these systems and exploiting them for what they do well for themselves can be valuable while looking at the built environment. Looking at how nature sustains itself against the forces of nature can inform us how our built environment can better sustain itself against nature as well. The idea that these systems are rigid enough to uphold themselves but also have the ability to have variations and adapt to changes in their environment is enormously important to their benefits. Extreme environments come in all shapes and sizes, all with their particular needs, not to mention they are always changing, but also have similarities in how their standard of living is being threatened or destroyed in all. Applying an orderly system that can be implemented easily in times of need using local materials and building techniques to quickly and efficiently restore what has been lost is key in keeping these areas safe from an ongoing destructive cycle. The idea is that these systems, like biological systems can grow, change, be taken down, or added onto for the benefit of the environment and community. These architectural systems are something that have the ability to bring the ecology of the extreme environments to better standards .
ReplyDeleteMy earlier comments still apply with regard to tighter focus: pick an extreme environment. I get nervous by your attempt to take on all of them in a systems-type approach. Whatever you do, you need to begin by cataloging the types of environments you are interested in ASAP.
Also, while biology can certainly provide clues to what can work, so too can vernacular architectural strategies (i.e. how have people been living in these environments for millenia?).
Neither, however, should be the answer. Your project should be yours.